Boscombe High Street Project  

The Boscombe High Street Improvement project is part of the Better Boscombe Regeneration initiative funded by the Department of Levelling Up’s prestigious Towns Fund Programme. Together with the Boscombe Masterplan and Digital Infrastructure project, it will kickstart the regeneration of this historic High Street.

How the project will be delivered

The scheme is being delivered by BCP Council who are the accountable body for administering grants and carrying out some works. Grants will be given to eligible property owners, tenants and their contractors to carry out improvement works in accordance with strict criteria and the shop front design guide. The project will then be managed directly by the Better Boscombe Programme Management scheme. 

By 2026, our vision is for Boscombe High Street to be a vibrant, quirky and safe, providing a range of shops, services, leisure and job opportunities, for the local community.

The shopfront improvement project aims to preserve and enhance the historic appearance of the High Street, creating a smarter, better-presented offer to shoppers and visitors. The High Street shops will be more resilient to change, their upper floors will be brought back into use to provide residential and employment space with the Victorian architecture restored, enhanced and celebrated.

Shopfront design code

The shopfront improvement project aims to preserve and enhance the historic appearance of the High Street, creating a smarter, better presented offer to shoppers and visitors. The High Street shops will be more resilient to change, their upper floors will be brought back into use to provide residential and employment space with the Victorian architecture restored, enhanced and celebrated. 

Landowners and businesses have told us that they are more willing to invest in properties if they are part of an overall vision and strategy for increasing footfall onto the High Street. 

Aims of the design code:

  • Provide guidance to shopkeepers, building owners, designers, planners, councillors and anyone else involved in the maintenance and improvement of shops on the High Street
  • Enhance the character of the precinct
  • Protect local heritage
  • Improve the experience for shoppers and residents 

For full details of the Boscombe Shopfront Design Code, please view here: Shopfront Design Code

Summary of guidance

For further information and to view the full guidelines, please view here: Shopfront Guidance

Introduction - Design Guide
Design hand out guide
Guidance Board
design guide 2

Boscombe renovation grants

Between 2023 and 2026, grants will be made available, to help renovate and improve premises in the western end of the Boscombe High Street (Christchurch Road).

The grants will cover the following: 

  • New shopfronts
  • Internal roller shutters
  • New shopfront signage or repair
  • Internal improvements for change of use or to bring back into use
  • External repairs, guttering, windows and doors

All applicants must be a registered trader or a registered charity within the grant zone.

The Better Boscombe Programme Management team will assist grant applicants in the preparation of drawings, applying for planning permission, and selecting contractors. In most cases, the grant will cover the total cost of replacing the shopfronts and in some cases other repair works to restore historic features.


Project objectives

In order to make our vision of a vibrant, quirky and attractive Boscombe a reality by 2026, we have set five objectives: 

  1. Attract at least 10% more people and footfall to the High Street by re-using vacant floorspace for non-retail uses and improving the appearance of buildings and public realm.

  2. Make the best use out of our brownfield land and buildings, through the re-use of upper floors on the High Street, with the provision of at least 5 more new homes.

  3. Increase the number of businesses on the High Street which are open in the evenings and weekends, maximising the potential created by high footfall from the 90 events per year in the 02 venue. 

  4. Improve the appearance of the High Street through the renovation and replacement of at least 15 shopfronts. 

  5. Through active engagement and advice, support existing businesses (occupants) directly and indirectly affected by the Boscombe Masterplan. 

Trader Grant applications

To apply for the traders grant you can send an email to [email protected] or you can complete the Boscombe traders application form.

If your application is successful, an award letter containing grant award conditions will be sent to you. The award letter should be signed and returned within one month of the date on the letter.

For full details on applying for a traders grants and to find out what exactly is involved, please visit

High street project FAQs

The High Street project aims to renovate up to 15 privately-owned properties with grants for specific works that preserve the building's character and bring them back into more active use. Funded by The Towns Fund and administered by BCP Council, this initiative targets properties needing significant improvements due to long-term dereliction, potential for business and residential use, or heritage value.

The heritage-style repairs are more costly but necessary to restore these assets. The grants cover works that revive vacant spaces, create new homes, and enhance the area's appearance. This community-requested project is expected to improve the area's image and increase footfall.

An independent feasibility study by architects identified the properties based on:

  • Location within heritage-style buildings
  • Visibility in key gateway locations to the town center
  • Significant long-term decay and dereliction
  • Potential to create business and residential spaces

The owners are contributing in most cases, which are assessed on their individual merits.

Renovations address both empty ground floors and entire vacant properties, restoring historic features to enhance street appearance and attract more visitors. Repairs to facades, gutters, and roofs also improve residential units, creating better living conditions and securing the buildings for future generations.

Our plan may bring necessary changes, but it shouldn't come at the expense of existing businesses. We'll provide active support and guidance to high street occupants impacted by the project, both directly and indirectly. This will minimise disruption and keep the local business scene thriving.

Keep up to date on our regeneration work

Want to stay in the loop? We'll be sharing updates and more as the project progresses, so follow us on social media to connect with our team and get the latest news.

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Engagement Hub:
30-32 Royal Arcade, Boscombe,
Bournemouth BH1 4BT

email [email protected]

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Bournemouth Towns Fund